I’m from the US which probably clouds my thinking more than I fully realize but it seems like as a society we struggle with having to be successful- always in competition, keeping up with the joneses, etc.
When I was 15 I started playing music. My friends and family thought I was talented and should pursue it to become “famous” but the more I saw of the industry, the less I became interested in the craziness of it. It didn’t feel like I was doing it for me, but doing it for external approval.
I’ve since moved on from that dream and play music for myself and a small following from time to time. I have a pretty good career for my age, I volunteer my time to 2 organizations, I have a great SO and friends, I travel often and yet....I have this lingering feeling of needing to BE something great.
To be a “leader in my field” or to start a successful company or create something that lasts longer than I do. I want to get out of this pattern of thinking because it isn’t helpful even if I did go on to do any of those things. Have any of you ever felt like this - the immense pressure to live up to some imaginary standard?
To note- I don’t feel like this everyday but it has been a consistent thought since I could remember. I have pretty low self esteem stemming from family abuse so I assume it’s the need to have external validation.
Anyway, does anyone have a similar experience? Any tips or tricks? Any advice? Any good books?
Submitted March 28, 2018 at 08:15PM by __hrrr https://ift.tt/2Iem0BP