Hey everyone! Lived under a large rock, with copious amount of alcohol, ever since I graduated from my university. Randomly browsing reddit one day I discovered this sub. Due to the many amazing folks here....well at the ripe, and wrong side of, age 28 I discovered this amazing thing called a Roth IRA. This was in early January and I began to grind as much as could to make $11,000. As of last night I was able to successfully max out my 2017 and 2018 Roth IRA. I was quite happy with myself until I realized that I had no idea what to do with this money.
Long story short my question to you fine folks is should I keep my $11,000 invested in VASGX? Part of me thinks I should exchange it into the 2055 Target Date Fund(which my 401k is invested in) BUT I am also strongly considering placing it all in VTSAX.
Any help or advice about what to do here would be greatly appreciated. I know this is still an insignificant sum but I am quite proud and excited. Next step is to open a brokerage fund.
Submitted March 15, 2018 at 10:18AM by bro_hemoth http://ift.tt/2tUzFLQ