So I decided to get rid of the popcorn ceiling from a house I am purchasing before I move in. I asked a few construction pros advice on the matter before attempting it. They said wear respirator and wet the ceiling before scraping and you’ll be fine. I was green going in to this. I laid plastic sheeting only on the floor not the walls. Tried to contain the mess as best I could, but still made a horrible mess. I shop vacuumed the best I could, but still a horrible mess on the carpet. I’m ripping out the carpet anyways for new carpet. Now I’m concerned I made a huge mistake long term for my family’s health. I’m afraid the possible asbestos will linger in the home. I bit off more than I could chew. I ripped the carpet out while using a respirator, still some remaining popcorn on the subfloor. I need some insight on how to make the house safe for my family. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2Hj3OY1