I'm planning on calling my previous employer tomorrow to try to get this sorted, but I'm wondering if anyone has any insight in the meantime.
I left an employer at the end of February, 2017. I didn't give a 2 weeks notice, so I was not paid out the paid time I had left. My W2 is showing my gross income being higher than it actually was and when I'm putting into the tax software, it's saying that I owe. Could it be the paid time counting against me? It was not paid out to me, so it wasn't taxed. Could this be why it's saying I owe? Can my previous employer count paid time that was never actually paid out to me as income on my W2?
EDIT: It appears my employer put a - 805 deduction on a pay check. From there it looks like I paid negative taxes? She did this because I had un-enrolled from the health insurance in 2016 and they had continued to take out the premiums for two months (pretax). (and yes, there were multiple attempts made to get it fixed before it finally was). This apparently was her solution to paying me back, but she had made it seem like they would give it back to me as income.
I don't know how to move forward here or how to fix this. When I put it into my tax software, it takes our estimated refund down by about $1,500, like I owe because of a mistake payroll made. What is happening here?
Submitted January 21, 2018 at 11:20AM by YoLandiFokkingVisser http://ift.tt/2mY7eqG