I'm 32 y/o, married, 2 young kids living in a house with 1 bathroom. We're starting to feel like we might want to by a bigger house in ~5 years, but we like where we live so we could also imagine staying here forever.
Current retirement savings are public employee pension + maxed HSA. I also have a Roth IRA that I'm currently contributing $1,000/yr.
Would it be reasonable to store the savings for our potential down payment in the Roth IRA (in a Vanguard target date fund or something similar)? My thinking is, if we then decide not to buy a house, I will not have failed to take advantage of the IRA contribution limits for retirement savings. And even if we decide not to buy and need the money for something else non-retirement, we'd be able to withdraw it with no problem due to Roth.
The obvious risk is that the market does badly and essentially makes the house choice for us.
What are your thoughts on this situation? Any alternatively strategies I should be aware of?
Submitted January 27, 2018 at 08:59AM by jaredtaskin http://ift.tt/2DPAQjx