So my parents house took on 6ft of water during Hurricane Harvey. The damages were estimated at $30,000+. We have flood insurance through Allstate. We had flooding in 2008 from Hurricane Ike, about the same amount, and received a $6,000 pay out. In the time between after Hurricane Ike and now, we’ve done considerable remodels and additions to the house that made the damages cost way more from Hurricane Harvey. Allstate’s reason for only giving us $136 is because the water didn’t reach our second floor, and won’t give a reason as to why our payout was so much more from Hurricane Ike. We applied for FEMA aid and were denied because we have flood insurance, but $136 is basically nothing. We have 60 days to reapply/contest FEMA’s decision.
We are willing to get a lawyer but my mom is worried the cost of paying the lawyer will be greater than what we would be able to get from either FEMA or Allstate. Does anyone know what direction we should take from here?
Also my parents are immigrants with limited English/technology skills, so communication with the parties involved has been through me primarily, a college student with probably only a little more knowledge on insurance as my parents. Any advice will help. Thanks in advance.
Submitted January 20, 2018 at 09:23PM by mahalkita21