My building seems to have unusual door frames and I haven't been able to find much information about them via Google or other means. As far as I can tell, the frames are hollow steel and the hinges fit into a slot in them (here are a couple of photos: http://ift.tt/2F6xoy0, one of my closet doors has started popping out of the slot (as seen in the photos), and although I have just been jamming it back in until it pops out again, I'm hoping someone can suggest a more sturdy solution than friction alone. What is a bit of a head scratcher is that I'm actually not even sure how it was attached in the first place as there are no screw holes on the frame (nor would screws work because 1, there is nothing to screw into and 2. they wouldn't be flush with the frame which would prevent the door from closing).Any thoughts on how I can get it to stay in the slot, short of welding which is beyond my budget and capabilities? Many thanks for any thoughts and replies in advance! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2DFaIIc