Im a 15 year old that likes to game and i need a way for me to make money. I live in a crappy third world country and its hard getting money, i live in Libya, where it used to be $1 = 1.3 LYD but now stuff happened and its basically $1 = 9.5 LYD (black market crap i dont really understand it) if you come to this country youll think its cheap ( $1.5 could get you this) but people dont get much money, a teachers monthly salary is about 700 LYD ($73).
So anyways i tried working at a small electronics store which got me like 200 LYD a month (about $20) and that is nothing, im trying to collect some money to buy a switch but everything is freaking expensive.
Its hard living here (especially because I lived a little in the USA and came back), but everyone here is just used to it. they are so ignorant of everything, all they know is facebook and youtube, and your considered rich if you have a freaking iphone 5s or a PS4. and we dont even have credit cards or mailing addresses (really hard to buy something online).
I just would like to earn some dollars even if its $5/hour, i mean, i could maybe then buy CSGO and try my luck with skins.
Do i have a chance? or am i just dead. (so far im been just entering random giveaways and trying to win anything so i can sell it, even a dollar equals a lot in this country)
Also sorry if my english is messed up or something its been long since I spoke/wrote with it. and thank you in advance
Submitted December 08, 2017 at 10:04AM by RainingTv