Last Thursday my wife and i were served papers for a lawsuit being filed against us. On the document it lists a dental office where my wife had work done back in 2015 as the plaintiff.
When i contacted the dental office they said that the debt was passed off to a collector and they were unable to provide me an invoice of the initial charges to confirm the debt balance. When my wife contacted the collection agency today to inquire about the debt, they were unwilling to answer any questions she had or provide any information because legal action had already been taken.
My questions would be:
Why is the dental office listed as the plaintiff if it is a collection agency suing?
Do i send a verified letter to verify debt at this point to the collector/law office/or both?
Will my wife and i be charged with lawyer fees for working with their law office?
If we do owe the amount ($850) we are very ready to pay it, we are unsure how the debt slipped by with no knowledge up to this point, we just dont want to have to pay more than what we owe. My apologies for formatting or grammatical errors, im on mobile.
Submitted December 18, 2017 at 10:08AM by Needhelpwithcaplease