Thought this would be the best sub to ask this. I have been eating "clean" for going on three years. Clean as in gluten-free, superfoods, no processed food, no artificial sugars, no coffee, beer, or soda, and so on. After having a poor diet for so long, I never want to go back to my old way of living. The many physical and mental benefits of my diet are worth the investment. Anyway, since I decided to take a break from work and go back to school this fall, it surprised me on how much I was really spending on my groceries. So cutting back on lots of things was indeed painful. After scouring around a bit online, I honestly had no idea on mailing list benefits. Amazing Grass has been doing a promotion in the last 12 days where they give you a hefty discount on their products (got 3 tubs of superfood powder for $17.89, great for three months worth), so what other companies do things like this? Thanks for your input in advance.
December 12, 2017 at 01:05PM