My mom was doing Xmas shopping in Urban Planet in Canada. Multiple items were purchased, where one of them were a pair of jeans. Next day, my mom realized that the size was wrong, and decided to return the jeans. While trying to return the item the cashier notified my mom that the code on the receipt and the code on the item do not match. The manager "politely" hinted that my mom stole the jeans and now is trying to get free money from the store. My mom got very upset and humiliated (she is not a native speaker and had a hard time arguing her case). To add to this, the item that my mom purchased was supposed to be 50%, but per the receipt my mom paid the full price. To me, it sound like the cashier either messed up or tried to scam the system somehow... Any idea how this happened and what should/can we do? The manager is not being helpful at all... Thanks a lot
Submitted December 11, 2017 at 02:38AM by ka__boom