First of all, I hope this is the right place to be posting. About 6 or 7 years ago I lent my ex girlfriend money. She was a highschool sweetheart. After high school we broke up and eventually got back together for a brief period years later. Long story short, she was in financial trouble. I decided to help her out (I am a lot older now and understand the risks.) The amount totaled to over four thousand dollars closer to five. I paid to save her car from getting repossessed twice, her rent, food, and paid off her medical bills to save her from the never ending debt that was piling up. There was one day where I said she could take my card for food. She bought sushi. I don't eat sushi, but after seeing what my card was charged I asked her why it was so expensive. She ended up buying 2 entrees for herself and claimed to have eaten them both. This is when I started getting a bad feeling. A couple days later I asked about the plans to pay me back. Without getting into detail, the conversation turned into her making it about our relationship. I broke it off with her.
Three years later I contacted her. I asked her if she planned on paying me back. Again, she would say things like, "my grandmother just asked about you the other day" or "I had a dream about you" etc. Ignoring emotion, I got down to business and asked her if she ever planned on paying me to which she said yes we both agreed four thousand dollars was fair and I told her I would give her more time (an unspecified amount). She said she didn't have the money at the time because she just got done putting a down payment on a new house and was pregnant.
I stopped talking to her and waited another three years.
Last night I had a dream about her. Decided to message her and ask again. Immediately got to the point of asking her. She said that she did not have any money to pay me and does not plan on paying me back. She said if she did have it, that I would be at the bottom of the list. I even said we could come to an agreement of 20 dollars a month, to which she replied again that her financials are none of my business and that she can't do that.
Is there anything I can do? Or am I just screwed?
I thought about taking her to court over this before I contacted her the first time, but since she said she would pay me back I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. I have obviously learned from the mistake and knew deep down I'd probably never see the money again, but idk there's still hope. Or maybe just my ignorance 😅 ive never taken anyone to court so I have no idea what it would take or if it's even an option. Thanks for the long read.
I don't lend money out anymore guys don't worry
Submitted July 06, 2021 at 07:59AM by chewsiferr