So, it all started when I received around $5,000 from my late grandfather on my 18th birthday, which he had been saving in an account for me since I was a baby. With the money, I paid for driver’s ed, my license, a car that I bought off my uncle for $2,500, and then all the registration fees for it.
A little while after I bought the car, I found out that there was an issue with the brakes that had to be fixed. I took the car to an auto body shop, where they fixed it within a couple hours for around $1,700. However, I only had $1,200 or so left in the account, so my dad offered to help me out and paid it for me, and expected me to pay him back. So, I did that, and now I owe him $500.
Not too long afterwards, I started going to the doctors office and having tests done for a liver issue I’ve been having, all of which adds up to about $3,000.
After driving back from my last appointment towards the end of November, I got into an accident and hit a road sign. I received a ticket and had to pay around $135.
But then I missed my insurance bill, and the insurance company wanted me to pay for the sign, bringing my total up to around $1,100 for the accident.
And on top of all this, I forgot to pay the ticket, and have to either come up with the $135 by the 29th, or face either a license suspension or jail time.
My main issue is I have literally no money, and my dad won’t help me out any more than he already has. I feel like my only viable solutions are to either run into the woods and disappear or become a hooker.
I’m just stressing over this and I have no idea what to do, no one ever told me how to get through stuff like this and I never bothered looking into it when I was younger.
Any help at all would be appreciated.
Edit: I forgot to mention that since it would’ve cost around $2,700 to fix the car, which was money I didn’t have, I decided to scrap it for $100 (it was the highest amount they’d offer), instead of choosing the wiser option of having them fix it and coming up with a payment plan. I know, I’m stupid, and hindsight is 20/20.
Submitted December 27, 2017 at 03:28AM by peeeble