I was chatting with my coworker the other day, mostly about our 401K. Both of us are maxing out employer match, but she mentioned some other investments that she has. She told me that she "invests a little each paycheck in the stock market", and it has worked out well for her (been doing so for over 10 years). I am embarrassed to ask her about how she is doing this, as I have about $100/week (post-tax) extra from some online sales, that I would like to invest in something long-term. So, anyone else that might have a clue, I assume maybe she is doing one of the following..
1) Putting in a money market account, and periodically buying shares that she likes?
2) Investing in some index fund, or mutual fund?
3) Something else I am not aware of...
I am leaning towards #2, as she mentioned that its very low effort... but I am still confused. Are there online accounts where I can just dump money every few weeks, and it will be automatically invested into funds I choose? This is how my 401k appears to work.
Submitted November 18, 2017 at 12:24PM by TooBigForHats http://ift.tt/2AYjRaq