Throwaway account.
I went to school for Engineering. I had untreated major depression, anxiety, and a bunch of other shit, which I didn't find out about until college. It hadn't been a problem before. I was un-motivated, but I aced my classes in Highschool. College was harder, and I was paralyzed.
I couldn't remember anything, no matter how much I studied, I was constantly late to classes, then I slowly stopped going. I ended up failing out 3 times. I had managed to talk my way back in after the first time, and the second time, I was able to get back in by changing majors. My home situation was (is) terrible, and I was trying to do anything not to go home.
After bumming around the city for almost a year, haphazardly moving from place to place, working part-time jobs, and struggling to make rent, I ended up back home.
Now I'm working in the tech sector making about 27k/year (After taxes). After paying for loans, past-due tuition, insurance, food, and rent, I have almost no money left. I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck, and I can't expect help from relatives. I tried to get treated for my mental illness, but after several doctors, and a lot of money (comparatively), nothing has worked. I like to think I'm doing better now, but who knows.
My goal is to make enough to move out on my own, because my family is a terrible, draining influence. Around these parts, that's about 45k/yr take-home pay. Can anyone give me some advice? I don't have anyone to ask, and if I were capable of doing this on my own, I wouldn't be in this situation.
Please help.
Edit: Added details.
Edit: 2 I think I should exactly what went wrong in college, I think. I couldn't focus on anything. It was a Herculean struggle just to study, and when I did, I was so worried about the possibility of failing that I couldn't focus on the test. I remember going in for a midterm once, and answering about 2 questions, and then staring blankly at the pages for the remaining hour and change. When I first went to a doctor, I thought I had some form of ADHD. I was hoping they could just give me Adderal, or some other derivative, and I would be back on track. No such luck.
When they told me I showed all the signs of being extremely depressed, especially given my upbringing, they gave me a bunch of study tips, a therapist, and some anti-depressants. None of it worked. At all. On top of all of that, I was struggling to pay for school in the first place. Hindsight being 20/20, it was a perfect recipe for disaster. I wish I had never gone, but I'd probably have killed myself if I stayed at home.
All of that being said, my main focus is making more money. I can't fix anything else until I'm financially stable.
Submitted August 28, 2017 at 12:10AM by SadPoorDropOut