Ok! Hello PF! Hope y’all can help, because I’m two steps from a panic attack.
In May I was in a minor auto accident while in an Uber. We are talking so small it’s ridiculous. BUT, I walked away with two herniated disks. I guess the jolt was just enough to finally get them to rupture. Since then, I have been in immense pain, racked up about $248,000 in medical bills, and still have another major spinal surgery in the future.
I have a lawyer, a sleazy ambulance chaser but he seems to be on top of his shit, and he has assured me even if we loose the case I am not on the hook for these bills. Can anyone verify that? I don’t have $248,000 in cash! Hell, I’m not even sure if all my assets together are close to that!
So, my questions are as follows -
1) is my lawyer right? Not liable for those bills if we loose the case?
2) I should get nice settlement check, after paying off all my debts, what would y’all recommend doing their the rest? I’ll max out my 401k and IRAs, but after that? I have a majority of my investments in lending tree, dividend funds, and a vanguard fund. Is there anything I’m missing?
3) I would really like to use a portion of the money to help finance building a tiny house on wheels to use for a massive road trip and then rent out on AirBnB. Thoughts?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Submitted November 28, 2017 at 09:49AM by throwawatfjgtdtt http://ift.tt/2zMO3Zm