I have had a joint bank account with my ex-wife for over 5 years now. It was my first one. A couple years ago when we broke up, I attempted to open a capital one 360 account online and went through all the steps neccesary. During this time, we got back together so I never bothered to transfer any money or make any transactions whatsoever. After some time, I guess the account expired due to inactivity. Anyway, back to a few months ago, I tried to open a checking account at a nearby bank and was denied due to my credit history. I have no credit and have never taken a loan before so I ordered Chexsystems report online. It turns out capital made an 'inquiry' into my credit history. What exactly does this mean and where do I go from here if I want to open up another checking account?
November 10, 2017 at 12:03PM