Hey guys, I recently build a SpongeBob themed planted aquarium from scratch and I thought I'd share my project here.I did a video log which I will link below, but I wanted to just give some more details here first for those who may wish to undertake a similar project.Video link: https://youtu.be/qPBwlWwEzvIGlass measurements: (Glass can be purchased from any local glass seller/cutter) 6mm thick glass 1 x 100cmx25cm (bottom base piece) 1 x 98.8cmx23.8cm (second base piece) 2 x 100cmx24.4cm (front and back walls) 2 x 25cmx23.8cm (side walls) 1 x 23.8cmx10cm (brace piece)Other materials needed: Aquarium safe clear silicone Calking gun Large stones Aquatic soil Riverbed sand Aquatic grass (and other aquatic plants if wanted) Tank filter Led tank light (metre long) SpongeBob ornaments (I got them at my local pet store but they can be purchased in Walmart or on Amazon too) Your choice of cold water fish (if you add a heater you could probably make this a tropical tank if you wanted)Build steps: The video is fairly self explanatory as far as the order to do the steps in, but I'll just elaborate here.1: Silicone smaller base piece to top of larger one. 2: Use brace piece to align it with the larger price on the edges. 3: Apply silicone along the back edge and add the back wall (making sure to prop it up). 4: Once it has cured add the two side walls in the same manor. 5: After they cure add the front glass wall. 6: Finally add the brace and leave all to cure for 48 hours at least. 7: Take the tank outdoors and perform a water test. 8: Add the sand and soil as desired. 9: Add your stones as desired. 10: Remove your aquatic plants from the pots they came in and rinse excess soil off. 11: Split your plants into small clumps and plant them about 2cm apart (be careful not to damage roots) 12: Add water to tank (pour onto a plastic bag so as not to disturb the soil and sand). 13: Add the light and filter. 14: Cycle the tank for a few weeks and let the plants grow in (if you can add water from an existing aquarium a few times that helps build up good bacteria for the fish prior to adding them). 15: Once the tank is cycled you are free to add your ornaments and fish and start enjoying your mini ecosystem.Hope this inspires some of you to go and make a tank of your own. Best of luck. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2ACBxrX