Hey everyone, I'm in the market for a leather bag for work, either as a zip top briefcase or a messenger bag. I want the bag to be soft and also have a handle, something I know many messenger bags don't have. I'm thinking black or espresso color but I'm open. My budget is somewhere around $400 but I'm willing to go higher depending on the bag. Some examples of bags I've found so far:
1) This one is very nice, but doesn't have a handle! http://ift.tt/2yQdYu5
2) This one is nice, but almost a little too plain http://ift.tt/2xrk5Ei
3) I like this one but I'm not a huge fan of the buckles http://ift.tt/2yQwyCr
Do you know of any great, long lasting leather bags, and any thoughts on the ones I posted here? Thank you!
Submitted October 08, 2017 at 12:37PM by filthycasualXIII http://ift.tt/2yRkZuD