I go to grad school part time. I fixed my schedule so I have no class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also work part time and I received a position on a short term project as an independent contractor for the next few weeks. I also signed up for a clinical medical trial at school. The money from the medical trial (they pay per visit and vaccination) is what I put towards one of my loans. A paltry $240.01 went yesterday to my student loan with the highest interest rate (6.8%). I celebrated by sleeping for the next twelve hours after that moment. Because work and school have stolen sleep from me.
It may be small. It may be insignificant compared to the amount of debt some of you readers are in but fucking hell I'm gonna pay my loans off quickly. Even if it means I lose sleep now but can sleep well a few years from now.
Submitted September 16, 2017 at 12:46PM by howtoreadspaghetti http://ift.tt/2frntbS