Hello everyone, I am a first time poster in here and all around a DIY amateur.Pics of the wall in question.So, I want to run some cables to a small room on the other side of the wall. Cables in question are: HDMI, Ethernet and properly Power. (Location is EU: Denmark btw, so there are some local regulations/restrictions apparently about running cables through walls so I might not be able to run Power, we'll see)So the question is how do I best achieve this.Plan A: Hole through the wall. The wall is about 18cm (7 inches) thick and mostly reinforced concrete (really hard to get through, especially hitting the metal rods..) with a wooden facade on the other side. This wall was an outer wall before the terresse was rebuild into a room, so properly some isolation in there also. People telling me drilling a whole big enough for these cables and their connections trough this type of wall would be quite the challenge even for the experienced.Plan B: bottom wooden doorframe? Another idea thrown out there was to go though the wooden doorframe, as this would be way easier, avoid regulations(maybe) but ultimately look worse.So do any of you DIY experts a better angle on this minor problem or advice on how to implement either idea, please write in. Also I dont mind constructive criticism, so plz do write in telling me my ideas are bonkers and how you would do it :)Appreciated -Stoposto via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2wpjFhG