So I put this resource together and really wanted to share it with this subreddit. I had a look at the rules and didn't see any problems; but if the mods want to me remove it thats fine too!
Basically over the years I've come to really value my time and simple lifestyle. Maintaining something as ridgidly demanding as my health has been a challenge in light of this however. After trying many solutions; I came up with a surprisingly simple and straight-forward strategy to help keep my life clutter-free AND on task when it came to performing workouts.
I hope this resource will prove useful to you! I really enjoyed putting it together! Here is a link to a more visual and better formatted version of the same post!
There's only two things you need to get a grip on before being successful at this. Embracing the chaos and planning for it.
Embracing the chaos:
So you've opted for a full-time life on the busier side of the new millennium; it's noisy and chaotic for everybody - the best way to get by is to leverage tools, and services that makes your life easier. It's important not to go over board here; use only what you need or risk making things even worse. If you're not already using a calendar app I strongly recommend downloading "Business Calendar" for Android users (ignore the name), and using it too. For iPhone users I suggest checking out Tempo. Both of these apps have excellent and simple UI design and are easy to use.
Here's the bottom line though - if you actually use these tools in a beneficial way; you will benefit from using them. Do the obvious/intended thing and populate your calendar with the things you do regularly and irregularly on week-to-week basis; and then use it everyday. In terms of your fitness there are two massive benefits to this: an organization system for the chaos of the week, and more importantly a tool that helps you identify openings in it.
"Buffer" Days
Each opening you see is an opportunity to schedule a workout session. Pretty straight-forward stuff when you really get down to it. Set a target number of weekly workouts (3 is good) and find that many gaps, plus one more extra spot you can squeeze in edgewise somewhere (early morning or late night on Sunday for me). This extra day is your safety net for when the chaos of the week gets the better of you and you miss a workout. Its a "Buffer day" - or more accurately a "buffer time".
The big idea is to have it; but not use it. Each week make a mental intention to struggle like hell to hit all of your target workout days. If you do this and have a buffer day in place, it becomes really easy hit the target number each week, including the hectic ones. If you are finding that it's impossible to complete the target number of workouts (even with a buffer day) - then try decreasing the number of total sessions per week to something more sustainable for your lifestyle.
So lets say you decide that you are going to aim for 3 sessions per week, with a fourth buffer day tucked into your schedule somewhere as well (you can even schedule these at inconvenient hours for yourself to discourage you from using it). And, let's say, on the day of the second session your meeting ran a little late and ended up taking over your workout block. If you have a built-in "buffer" day - you might despair at the inconvenience of it; but you will still be able to reliably hit that missed workout without having your week fall apart.
It's a simple and uncomplicated strategy; but I rarely see it implemented by the people who need it the most. I hear people complain all the time about how they "ran out of time this week" or "had that last minute thing". After you implement buffer days; if you're anything like me - chances are you won't even feel the need to rely on them. The fact remains however that there is no such thing as a self-working discipline system; and you still need the push to make each workout happen. This tool is just one safety net to help make that happen, especially when things are out of control.
TL:DR - Plan to have a "buffer day" in your week somewhere in case you miss a workout. Then simply work hard to avoid using it; but know that if you need to - it's there.
EDIT: Formatting
Submitted August 22, 2017 at 07:59PM by TaskEvasion