Hey there. So I'm wanting to be more frugal with grocery shopping and I thought this would be the best place to ask for some tips. I mainly just have a few questions...
- Which place should I go to?
Normally I go to Albertsons but I was wondering if Albertsons was the best "cheaper" option compare to say, Walmart?
What types of food would you recommend?
I was originally going to go out and buy a ton of Maruchan Ramen Noodles until I learned of all the negative side effects of eating a daily diet of them can entail. I did browse a bit on this forum and it seems rice & beans are the main thing. I'm definitely okay with Rice but I really don't like beans, I never have lol They just taste so mushy and I just dislike the texture of the food when you're chewing it, it's kinda hard to explain... But I was wondering what other options I could try if you have any?
Thanks for the help!
August 05, 2017 at 02:00PM