Sorry if this isn't in the right /r! I just was offered a full time job of $40k/year (before taxes and 5% is mandatory for my job's retirement fund) in the metro DC area where I went to college. I'll be starting my masters at the same university and working full time within a 5 minute drive. The issue that comes into question is: housing. As most know, the traffic in the DMV is asinine (4 miles in 30 minutes?!) and rent isn't cheap (1br starting at $1400 minimum?!). While I've found a few places on Craigslist with roommates, I'm still new to this whole adult making money thing. I have ~$500/month in expenses (car payment/insurance/CC/phone/food). How much is reasonable to pay for rent, especially with a roommate? And in the DMV area, with the bad traffic, is it better to pay a higher rent with a lesser commute or a farther commute with lesser rent? I've never had to commute before and my starting hours are 8am-4pm until I'm done with training and then it's TBD. Classes from 430-10pm once a week. Any advice would help!!
Submitted July 22, 2017 at 02:15AM by jdddd4