This is my first time having insurance. I am a grad student and my school requires us to get insurance so I purchased a plan through obamacare.
My PCP recommended I get a genetic blood test for breast cancer because my sister was just diagnosed. I said I would only if it was covered by insurance and my doctor said it would be. Turns out that this is not covered because it is not medically necessary and the lab that my doctor used is also out of network.
I feel like I'm screwed because I assume its my own responsibility to know these things before getting it done. Unfortunately this is my first time having insurance so I was and probably still am horribly uninformed. The lab filed an appeal and it was denied. I have no idea what to do now and I feel helpless with this bill. As a grad student, you could add my w-2's from the last few years and it still wouldn't be enough to cover this bill. Do I have any other options besides having this sent to collection?
Submitted July 20, 2017 at 02:33PM by hugemedicalbill40