I am a 17 year old male with a clean driving background. i was going 57 on a 40, where the old speed limit was 50. as soon as i passed the undercover officer, i began to slow down because i had seen the 40 speed limit. however it was too little to late and he pulled me over and i immediately pulled over. it was around 11 at night and i was driving my mother who was slightly intoxicated home. i was not aware that i had to drive her home so i did not have my lisensce on me.. i know dumb mistake. anyways, i am in the state of hawaii but i live in seattle washington. we were friendly and we tried to reason/plea my case but in the end the officer decided to give me a citation. i am thinking of contesting it. would this be a smart choice? i think i should have been given a fair warning for my actions.
July 23, 2017 at 06:49AM