So as the title says I am very in debt due to some very bad financial decisions as well as some stuff going on in my personal life. Im fully accepting that I made this bed and now I'm lying in it.
My debt is as follows $20,000 on a 11.99% CC $9,000 left owing on an auto finance
Currently I make $26,000 a year after tax which works out to be about $2154/mo and $1077 each paycheck. Currently my fixed monthly costs are as follows
Rent - $790 Auto Loan - $340 Car Insurance - $210 Gas - $120 ish Dog food - $90 Food - around $200 per month Phone - $80 Gym - $30
All this equals around $1860, so after all that I have around $294 left over for paying debt or anything small for myself.
My minimum payments for my CC are around $200-$250 arm so I'm barely paying my monthly interest at this point.
I just secured a job where I will be making $32,891/year after tax, $2740/mnth which after all my fixed expenses will leave me with around $881 a month. My main question is should I put all of that towards my CC Debt or should I be putting maybe minimum payments + $250-$400 towards that and putting the rest in savings?
Submitted July 05, 2017 at 06:12AM by Kippingthroughlife