This situation is rather complicated so I'll try to explain as best as possible
I'm 18 years old, from Texas, I work at Walmart, I make $10.57 an hour, I work 40 hours a week or close (so around 80 hours per biweekly check), I make about $550-$600 per check, and I'm the only one in a 3 person (and 3 animal) home that has a job. I live with my mom and younger brother (13 years)
I pay for everything for my family
•Rent for our RV Lot - Due at end of month
Initially $250 with electricity and extra propane added
Usually comes out to around $305
•Phone bill - Due at end of month
My phone is $65 and my mom's is $45 for a total of $110/month
•Spotify Premium for myself - Due at end of month
•Amazon Prime for my mom - Due at middle of month
If I remember right, like $13/month
•Gas for the one vehicle we have - All month
~$60 a check
So around $200 a month
•Storage Facility - Due at end of month
•Groceries - All month
Probably about $100 a check or so
So around $300 a month
•Extra - Each check
I usually buy one thing for myself online every check
$20-$25 including tax
My dilemma is that I'm trying to go to orientation for the community college I will be attending this next semester. It costs $45 and I'll be able to meet with my advisor to register for the classes I need as well as shown around the campus and other things. I assume that that's the only way to get completely registered for classes correctly. The problem is that all month, my mother has been telling me to push back paying for the registration. Because of this I missed the registration for the first two dates. From conversations with an advisor on the phone and discussions with a peer who already attends this school, the longer I wait, the less options I have to pick which times and which classes I want to get into. The next date is July 7th but I can't wait till July 6th to pay for it because by then there will be no spots left for that date. I need to pay for the registration soon. The next time I get paid is the 29th, but I'm worried and almost convinced my mother will keep telling me to push back the date to register which I don't want at all. I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this but could any amount of money management advise be given to squeeze out an extra $45 dollars?
P.S. My mother has started adamantly looking for a job as of May. She's had a few jobs here and there but they never last for more than 3 months. May marked the last month we would stop receiving social security income from my father passing when I was 13. We got about $1,200 a month but even with that and me working, we were still usually kinda tight on money. (Granted we lived in a [paid off] house and I worked less.
Submitted June 15, 2017 at 03:40AM by corefgt000