My house was built in 1892 and when it was built, the chimney was an exterior chimney. Sometime between 1892 and now, an addition was put on the house and the chimney is now (partially) inside the envelope.There is currently no liner in the chimney and the furnace is vented through it. I already plan to use carbon monoxide detectors until I can afford to install a liner, but I want to remove the drywall around the brick to expose it. I have two questions.(1) Is this increasing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning? The way it was explained to me is that since there is no liner, wherever the mortar happens to be failing is an avenue for carbon monoxide to vent inside the house. Common sense tells me that removing the plaster/drywall won't really increase this risk, but I'm not sure.(2) What concerns, if any, should I have about removing the plaster/drywall around the chimney up to the ceiling? The chimney goes through the ceiling of the addition and continues on the outside of the house along the second story. (I'll add photos shortly) via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2sHuj5w