Yeah. Downvote this thread if you want, but I'm the hero that Gotham needs.
To have several life-changing experiences at a lower cost than filling your gas tank cannot be understated. Having an LSD/Shroom trip is the most frugal costing item on a bucket list.
With every delic, there's a stranger price and a homie price. Try to get a deal in between. Ordering larger quantities presents savings, but set a hard line somewhere ($50? $100? etc.). Ordering way more than you may ever want in order to save money is not a good idea. Ordering $50 worth can still be a good deal.
Also, don't feel pressured to dose more quickly to get your money's worth. Smaller doses, are often better, and they will save you money. Another money saving tip is to avoid tripping more than once every two weeks so that you don't build a tolerance.
To avoid having to try out a bunch of psychedelic drugs to find the best ones, here are my recommendations. Stay away from stimulants, opoids and tranquilizers. I wouldn't recommend anything with even a .001% chance of lethality. LSD is great, but if you fear fake LSD, the 1P-LSD variant of LSD is 99% identical is almost never counterfeited. If you want a deep existential life questioning delic, go with Shrooms or 4-ACO-DMT. The best overall for beginners is 4-HO-MET since it's a full psychedelic experience like LSD, but it's much gentler and easier for the mind to handle.
May 22, 2017 at 01:07PM