I grew up with a mom who saved everything, and pretty much still does. While her house definitely doesn't look like an episode of hoarders, my mom sure has WAY more stuff than she needs, and her saving grace is that she has a big house with ample storage space.
For years throughout high school and college, I was exactly the same. I had to save every little thing that had the smallest iota of sentimental value - clothing from middle school, crappy jewelry from exes, t-shirts from my high school volleyball team - you get the picture.
When I graduated university a few years ago, I packed up my apartment and moved immediately to a new city to start a job. I didn't sort through anything - I just picked it all up and brought it all with me. This included all of my old textbooks, silly costumes from parties, and other assorted junk.
I lived in that first apartment for 3 years, and I never felt 100% unpacked - because I had so much STUFF, and my closets and storage shelves were full to bursting. Couple that with having disposable income for the first time in my life, and local family members who kept gifting me their old stuff, and I was accumulating even more than ever.
Cut to about a month ago - I was planning a move with my SO to a new apartment in the same city. My SO is pretty minimalist, so I challenged myself to donate as much as I could before the move. And it worked! I donated 10+ garbage bags of clothes and accessories, sold and gave away lots of books, and I also got over my fear of throwing things out - things that are not donate-able, like my old beat up pair of slippers, or my old broken down furniture.
Now we've moved, and I am STILL getting pumped about donating and getting rid of everything possible. It feels really great to bring things to a place where they'll get a second life in a new home, and I love the feeling of knowing that I can SEE everything I own out in the open, without having to dig around in closets.
I know that simple living is about much more than just getting rid of some stuff, but I wanted to share for anyone who has felt the same as me. Anyway, I just wanted to thank this community for being so inspiring!
Submitted June 01, 2017 at 12:01AM by cclonch44 http://ift.tt/2sgiks5