I work for a call center and the policies in place are almost impossible to adhere to. We have a point system so if we are late or miss days because of ANYTHING (illness with doctor's excuse, family emergency, traffic accident), we get points. So this isn't the worst I've worked in places with this policy but this one is bad because you can only get 3 points before you are written up and 4 gets you terminated. Earlier this year I had bronchitis and missed a week (can't exactly talk on the phone with a cough) and I was on write up (also the supervisor was kind and didn't fire me even though I was over). So for 3 months I couldn't be miss a day or be late for any reason, this is stressful. This policy also keeps me from being able to interview for other jobs because I work 9-6. The other policy that is an issue is how our time off works, I am considered a pt employee even though I work 40 hours a week. We get 120 unpaid days off for the whole year, hours are deducted even when you miss for illness (like I did for bronchitis). And I understand this allotment for other pt employees who only work 20 hours a week (because they don't have to request as many days off for things). We can also have people cover for us but because I work 9-6, and everyone else is in school, I have no one to ask to cover. So my issue here is that I want to find a job that is more flexible with time but I can't seem to find a time to go to interviews without losing this job? It's May and I only have 24 hours of unpaid vacation time. I have saved half of a pay period worth of income but I am worried that I won't find a job in time and will then put myself in a worse place than I am in now.
Edit: I put 120 days off, I meant 120 hours.
Submitted May 29, 2017 at 12:19PM by dupreesdiamond27 http://ift.tt/2sdVIHN