My parents have filed for bankruptcy and my mother is a cosigner on my student loan. i was wondering what was up when i logged in to my wells fargo student loan account (we didn't know...) and it said my account was unavailable. then i got letters saying that they got notice of the bankruptcy and they are halting all payments to my account.
my questions are: is this good? should i call wells fargo and say it wasn't me, but my parents? is a bankruptcy gonna show up on my credit report now? can i dispute it? what else should i be prepared for?
edit: i talked to my parents and he told me that i wont be able to pay it back for 5 years??? but itll still accumulate interest. and i asked how long his bankruptcy is gonna take and he said 3 years.
so is my account going to be "frozen" for 3 years? 5 years?
Submitted April 03, 2017 at 03:13PM by mixedracebaby