Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but if its not by all means please let me know.
Okay so here is the story - I have been working for a local gym/pilates studio for about 4 months now. they pay me minimum wage but Im in college so its fine. I like working there, people are nice and I like the fitness community. Starting from the second day of work my boss has required me to drive around town for various reasons (deliver flyers, pick up supplies, drop off rent etc...). I am well aware that drivers need to be compensated for their miles and need to be named the company policy yet there was no mention of this. I did not realize how frequently they would make me drive during work and each time I would tell myself I would ask about being compensated but I would get timid and lose my nerve.
Today as the day was coming to a close, my boss told me that tomorrow she would have me drive downtown and make a few stops to drop off advertising materials. This would have been a 25+ mile round trip and I would have to pay to park downtown. I decided this was as good of time as ever to bring up being compensated for work like this so I said "I really don't mind helping out with this stuff especially when its really close stops but thats probably going to be around 25 miles, would it be alright if I was reimbursed for the milage?" then I tried to make an awkward joke about a college budget. She looked at me and said "well remember I saw you on your cell phone earlier so maybe I shouldn't pay you for today at all." I was honestly shocked by this so I just responded with a head nod.
Im not sure how to handle this situation, this job does not really mean too much to me as I already have a good paying full time job lined up for when I graduate in a few months, but I also don't want to screw them over by quitting but if they refuse to follow the law and threaten not to pay me then Im not sure this is such a good place to be working.
Submitted April 21, 2017 at 07:20PM by sara8A