This is a reminder to always check your student loans if you have any sort of auto-pay feature.
I had set up auto-debit for my Nelnet loans two years ago and told them that all additional money over the minimum payments should go to my highest interest rate loan. This worked out great for two years. At the start of this year I started to dump tons of money into that high interest rate loan on a weekly basis. I double checked with Nelnet today (because I like seeing the numbers get smaller weekly). Without my knowledge or permission they changed the next monthly payment date for my Group A loan till late in the year and then just randomly dispersed the rest of the money to my 3 other loans. I called up the customer service and very crossly told them to undo what they had done because I hadn't given them permission to make any changes. Now to wait 3-5 business days for them to fix their "mistake"
In summary. Check your loan payments monthly at the minimum. Make sure they do not change anything without your knowledge.
Submitted April 11, 2017 at 10:22AM by Limond