Apologies if this doesn't fit in this sub, but I thought it was delayed.
It dawned on me the other day that I try to be too efficient with things to an extraordinarily high level. I think we can all relate to watching our spending habits closely, but now I'm trying to be efficient to an insane degree. The example that clued me in: I was driving and it started to rain. I tried to set my wiper speed to the perfect level, so that right when it started to get just to the point where it was noticeably blurry, the wipers would go. When the rain was extremely light, I didn't just set it to the minimum wipe speed; I started manually wiping because the slowest speed was still too fast.
I realized this was ludicrous, but then I started thinking about how I do this with other areas in my life. I plan out my grocery shopping and other errands so I take the most fuel efficient path, even though everything is close enough that the difference in gas and time saved is negligible. I drink a lot of water at work, so I try to time whenever I have to get up from my desk to help someone, ask a question, go the bathroom, or whatever with filling up my mug. I hate backtracking in video games, so I make sure I do everything possible in a certain area before moving on. When texting, I try to keep everything as concise and in one message if possible (my phone shows me the character limit for when one message bleeds into two).
The strangest part to me is that even if something throws a wrench in my planning, I don't even really care that much, but I still keep on trying to be as efficient as possible in these mundane tasks.
Is this a sign of a bigger problem?
March 31, 2017 at 12:37PM