Hello Personal Finance,
I am a financially/tax literate Canadian, however when it comes to the American finances I am at a lost. I've tried to find some information online but haven't found much available on the subject.
My situation:
25 y/o
Currently renting in Canada and looking to rent in Wyoming
L-1 Visa from my employer is provided
Currently hold:
Maxed out TFSA contributions, Maxed out RRSP (Personal and Sunlife through employer), non-registered CAD and USA trading accounts, canadian chequing account and no debt and a paid off vehicle.
My total worth is around $250,000 if I cashed out all my stocks and savings from Canadian banks.
I'm looking for info on what to do with my Canadian retirement saving accounts (RRSP/TFSA), how to best file taxes (Wyoming has no state tax..), and how to deal with my Canadian bank accounts (Cash out or hold them).
I wanted to get some general info before I go talk to a tax advisor.
Thanks in advance for the replies!
Submitted March 24, 2017 at 11:04PM by Schlumengy http://ift.tt/2nRLn6n