My tale is somewhat unique in that I've also changed fields but I think it's still a good idea to hop jobs if you're looking to increase your earnings.
4 years ago I left my career to help my brother run his small business after he underwent major surgery and needed help. Not having kids, a house, or a spouse meant I could take the pay cut. I made ~$15k working for him that year.
3 years ago I moved back to my city and worked as a Jr. Underwriter for $25k.
2 years ago I was promoted and made $33k.
1 year ago I changed fields and went in to Software Implementation and made $47,500.
Today I accepted an offer at a new company for $58,500 as a Data Analyst.
I went from nearly destitute to quite comfortable (I'm in a pretty low COL area) in a few years by job-hopping.
As an aside, thank you PF for helping me keep focused on my financial goals. You guys rock.
Submitted March 24, 2017 at 01:49PM by CBryce