OK, I appreciate anyone that has any input in advance, thank you. Just looking to be as smart as possible with our refund. We are married, two small kids. Run a very small photography business that is just starting, we are growing as slow as possible and not trying to acrue debt yet to make things happen with it. We are also $7,380.00 in credit card debt at the time due to some medical and dental bills we have had to pay in the last couple years. We owe $3,380.00 on a car. It is our only car payment and we aren't getting rid of any cars or getting any other cars anytime soon. The car has 16 payments left to be paid off. We owe $7,380.64 on a credit card. The interest rate is 21.49% on this card. We would really like to invest about $1,200.00 in our business to help with our next year as far as equipment goes. This is up in the air of course. Initial thought is invest the $1,200.00 on equipment, put the rest on the credit card. Keep paying the same amount on the credit card and pay it off as soon as possible. I just need advice because I'm not the best at money. It is greatly appreciated and if I can ever help someone with a computer issue or photography question I would love to.
Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:07PM by mikew1008 http://ift.tt/2m4yc00