To say I've made a few sacrifices the last few years would be an understatement; however, those sacrifices have most definitely paid off.
In May of 2012, I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from one of the best schools in the nation with a huge chunk of student loan debt. I was a first gen college graduate in my family and graduate school seemed right, so I went for it and ended up dropping out two months later. I was tired of school and wanted to settle down. Senior year of college, I had a change of heart and decided to pursue family, friends, and church instead of money so I moved back home once I dropped out of grad school. Instead of taking a job at a higher-end company, I moved home and struggled to find a decent job for the next six months. In this time, I planned out several scenarios and found the best strategy to beat my loans to death. Thankfully, my parents allowed me to live with them which saved a lot of money on rent and utilities. I helped out a lot around the house (even though I always feel like I could do more), but I don’t think they’ll ever realize how indebted and thankful I feel for letting me stay for so long. As of an hour ago (or as soon as my final payment clears) I am debt free from student loans…for now.
I gave up some good jobs, some future opportunities, and countless materialistic desires, but those sacrifices have paid off I’ve overcome depression, I have a stable job with good benefits, and I’m within minutes of the people I love the most. I'll be moving out in a couple months to start fresh, and in May I'll be marrying the love of my life! (She also has some student loan debt, but we'll chip away at those as soon as we can as well. Round 2!) All of this was possible because I set goals and made sacrifices.
I know that the whole idea of student loan debt is overwhelming, especially when you owe a gargantuan amount. It seems like you're going to be tied down forever and there is no end. I also know not everybody will have the opportunity to stay in the nest and be rent-free. Everyone is living a different season. It all may seem impossible, but just have hope! Nothing is impossible if you really set your mind to it. If you are struggling with student loan debt today and it seems like there is no end, then maybe today you need to reassess and gain a new mindset. Treat this season of your life like one big game! Piece by piece you will get there.
Dream big, live small, and always look for a silver lining.
Submitted February 15, 2017 at 11:13AM by Valvosus58