I'll try to keep this as short as possible but I apologise in advance if this post becomes a bit long-winded. I would really appreciate some solid and practical advice.
Basically, I have an intense fear about joining the rat race, not so much about the 9-5 life but rather finding myself trapped and stuck in a job because of debt and a list of unending responsibilities as I get older.
I was doing a PhD for two years, and recently quit that because I hated it, and the feeling of being in an environment where everyone is constantly trying to get their name on as many publications and to network and impress "important" people who can further your career (which I have nothing against that), but i know that it doesn't suit my personality and I will end up miserable if I continue this.
Best decision I ever made was to quit, because I now feel so free. At the same time, I've recently been feeling overwhelmed and a bit anxious about job searching. I am in this paradox of really wanting to find a job, but at the same time being stressed about joining the rat race.
Here are some things you should know:
Thankfully i still live at home, and I come from an Asian background where my parents won't and don't want to kick me out anytime soon.
I'm single (please consider this re: getting a mortgage)
I have paid off my car and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon.
I have no existing debts, but I also don't have substantial savings in my account either.
My philosophy in life is to try and live in the present moment. I know that I could knuckle down really hard now for the next 15-20 years so I can "set myself up" for retirement, but knowing that I could well be in a tragic car accident tomorrow, or be diagnosed with a debilitating illness in 5 years, I'd much rather do what I want now (obviously within balance and practical life restraints)
My goal is to find a job in my profession (Occupational Therapy) that isn't too stressful, even if the pay isn't considered as high as other potential jobs I could find in the field. This is so i still have the time and energy to pursue my hobbies and interests after the 9-5/8-4 hours etc. (to name a few: travelling, gymnastics, digital art, learning new languages and musical instruments). Eventually I hope to only work part-time as an OT, and then to be able to develop one of my hobbies as a side job such as gymnastics coaching, or via my art.
So here are my questions (please feel free to answer only the ones you want!) :)
Is it worth getting a mortgage? I've never really had a strong desire to own a house, except for the sole reason of setting myself up for retirement. I am the type of person who lives to travel, so I worry about not being able to up-and-leave to travel when I want. The practical side of me knows that eventually I will need to "settle down" when the inevitable effects of ageing take place and it would be great to have my own place to settle in.
For those of you who are parents, is it worth it having kids? I'm really sorry if this sounds selfish or rubs anyone off the wrong way (not my intention), but at this stage in my life i've decided I don't want to have children because of the time and money it requires. I am worried about being trapped to the rat race due to having to support costs to children and mortgage/bills etc. Further, I know it will be a lot harder to travel freely in the future if I decide to have children. However, given that I am female, I am a ticking clock and I don't want to have children when I'm 40, so does the joy of having children outweigh the energy and financial costs?
For those of you who have downgraded your jobs, or don't seek to "climb the ladder" for the money, how have you guys dealt with this and "society expectations" in real life when it comes up in conversations with friends or family who are excess consumers/materialists or subconsciously care about social status?
How do you balance an average salary when some of your hobbies exhaust money? (e.g. gymnastics classes, travelling). I find joy in these hobbies so I don't plan on giving them up because they add value to my life. Luckily with my profession, it is possible to travel with humble pay via assignments where I'm placed in a developing country where I help develop the services there, and I definitely hope and plan to do this in the future! However, in what other areas of your lives do you guys make sacrifices to be able to maintain your hobbies?
To sum up, I am well aware that I need to prioritise or make sacrifices if I want to live and sustain a simple life. For a 23 year old girl who has yet to have any assets, a "safety net" or retirement plan, what is the best advice you can give in terms of balancing my long-term future/security and living meaningful now in the present?
TIA guys! Really appreciate it! :)
Submitted February 18, 2017 at 03:05AM by 130mood_trbl http://ift.tt/2kyQYNv