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My question is simple, is it worth it?

I've always been told that money isn't everything, and I should work a job I like.

I currently am working a job I like for $90k. I'm a digital designer and the work is really creative and challenging, but the hours can really suck and I never feel like I'm making enough.

I just got offered a job for $130k that is basically production-line graphics work. Hours will be less, and work won't be as challenging, but I'll be quite comfortable financially which would allow me to fulfill myself elsewhere. I tell myself that now, but who knows if I'll actually put the extra money and time into anything productive.

Has anyone here taken the leap for cash instead of a fulfilling job?

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:44PM by -500- http://ift.tt/2lTVNOO

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