As the title states, I went to a strip club in a different state (Arizona) and swiped my card. When they swiped, they made me sign a payment agreement (don't recall what exactly it said) and took my thumb print. I saw the charge pop up on my statement as "processing" for about a day, and then the charges just disappeared. Called the credit card company, and they have no record of it. Should I be worried? How can I resolve this (if there's anything to resolve) without calling the place and getting charged twice?
I really don't want to be sent to collections. This was the dumbest thing I've ever done, and I'm trying to be "discreet" because I'm terribly embarrassed. Can they even send me to collections? Not sure how they would have my address, or any info not on the card (besides my thumbprint).
Submitted February 28, 2017 at 03:14PM by i_use_this_to_fap