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If you haven't recently asked, give it a try!

I was nervous about asking for some reason, since I've always just let my cards passively increase. Utilization % has been an issue for me even though I pay them off monthly.

Discover instantly doubled my limit without doing a hard pull (+$3000). Citi increased my limit from $1000 to $2400. Since my citi card has the best benefits I asked for even more ($10,000) with a hard pull. They told me this morning they were upping it to $5000. No "you're fucking crazy," just a generous counter offer.

This has more than doubled my credit limits in 5 minutes of work, which will halve my utilization and increase my credit score. Plus, increases tend to scale up with your current limits so the sooner you start asking the more you'll end up with.

Give it a try if you trust yourself and good luck!

Submitted February 28, 2017 at 11:48AM by Bezant http://ift.tt/2lv6rKT

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