First time posting in PF, thanks in advance for any advice. I bring home $2,200 a month (roughly). Purchased my first home 3 months ago. Throughout the process I hit a rough patch, and managed to rack up close to 5K in CC debt. 3K on one card, and 2K through PayPal credit. I have $4500 saved up as an emergency fund, but am considering using a good part of the fund to pay off the debt. If I can cut the debt in half, I feel like a huge weight will be lifted off my shoulders. Money is tight, as I am a single father of 3, and I've come to realize there are many unexpected expenses. Advice?
Chase: 15.49%–24.24% PayPal: 19.99%
Submitted February 21, 2017 at 10:20AM by Waldo129