Hey there,
I'm a dad in a family of four (wife and two boys; 6 and 4). I'm the sole provider for the family and recently left a job where I was making under 30k a year for a new job where I now make a 45k yearly salary. Which is amazing to me as it has lifted a huge burden.
My kids were previously fully covered in medicaid and my wife and I had share of cost. On top of that we also were living on foodstamps ~$285 a month. And yet, because of some poor financial decisions in the past and using too much on credit cards to get by, I was still drowning in bills even with the extra help from the government. Finding this new job has definitely helped but I am still having some challenges.
Now that I don't qualify for medicaid in the state of FL or foodstamps I have to take on both now, which is fine, but I'm struggling finding a way to insure me and my family. My job offers insurance but their rates are way too high for me:
Employee Only $ 92.30
Employee & Spouse $ 336.55
Employee & Chld(ren) $ 255.13
Family $ 519.76
When I found this out I turned to the marketplace to see if there were better prices but even there the prices don't really seem possible for me without going into a danger zone again. I applied for all four of us but I only got options for my wife and I because it's referring my kids to CHIP for eligibility instead, so I have to wait on a letter from that which will most certainly be after the open enrollment period closes :/ . The lowest offer I got for my wife and I was $466 per month, which I'd have to pay for the moment I sign up, under the catastrophic plan option which barely covers anything before a 7k deductible is paid.
I have attached a picture of my income and monthly bills.
I just signed up for the YMCA for all of us and will probably have to get rid of it now that I know insurance is so much. Netflix can also be gotten rid of.
My main goal is to see how I can insure at least my kids without redlining again as I'm already close. I'm already thinking I'll have to pay the penalty for my wife and I. I'm currently working to get all the damn debt paid off but I won't be able to if I have to use everything that's left just on insurance. I have no savings either.
Any advice?
Submitted January 28, 2017 at 11:39AM by Thr_away123 http://ift.tt/2k3F2jv