First, my former employer was a "State Agency", and the attorneys I've spoke with are willing to help, until I reveal who my employer was. Second, the exposure infected me with a virus that damaged my liver, and because of a genetic disorder has resulted in a progressive disease. Third, I was denied "short term disability" after the exposure, and for 8 years I (and my former employer's health insurance provider) paid for medical treatment. When my health deteriorated to a point that I required weekly infusions, I was fired. Fourth, I was blackballed, but since my health is declining it really doesn't matter. That, plus my age relegates me to a low-pay service job that provides health insurance. Fifth, I was granted 'long term disability" through my former employers insurance company and all of the nightmares that go with it. That covers lost wages, but no help with the medical issues I've acquired. Sixth, I filed an EEOC complaint that went to the DOJ, but I was unable to obtain legal representation to address this problem and my "Right to Sue" has expired.
So, I have health insurance for now but the cost (co-pays and co-insurance) of medical procedures and my weekly infusions exceeds earnings at my service job and will eat up my LTD benefit.
My question is; What can I do besides applying for SSI/SSDI and Medicare and waiting/fighting for benefit approval while my health and ability to earn a living declines?
Submitted January 31, 2017 at 11:48AM by nolocus