Bit of a thought experiment that I can't quite comprehend myself.
Basic strategy as I understand it for those of us who don't have hundreds of thousands to invest is to pick large ETFs or market funds such as VTI or VOO or QQQ and long hold. I have a mixed portfolio with a less aggressive 401k and a market based IRA, and also a personal investment portfolio comprised of some blue chips, some companies I like that I'm not dependent on for growth, and some ETFs.
For my personal portfolio I have a few thousand investable held in SPAXX with fidelity. Now that the stage is set here's the thought: is it better to make a lump sum investment to have more overall time in the market for the money I have liquid or is it better to invest that money systematically over the span of 6 to 12 months in the event the market turns during the US election so as to DCA my investments over said time?
Submitted November 03, 2024 at 12:44AM by LilWalsh