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My wife and I fundamentally disagree on how much an emergency fund should hold. Any liquid money I save, she spends. This totally freaks me out, bc I'm one of those people who need 6 mos living expenses on hand at all times. Our situation is such that the more obvious, sensible solutions (earning more, negotiating) aren't an option right now. And I don't want to risk what is basically a good marriage with bad behavior.

Naturally, this is creating some conflict :) But I've found a window of opportunity: she's fine with investments, and will leave them alone!

All I need to do is find an investment that can more or less substitute for a savings account, and we can both be happy. So long as I save the money as an investment, instead of cash, I can have my security blanket without frustrating her or lying about it.

What can I use for this? We're urban, so physical objects (coins, art, jewelry) aren't good options. I know about bonds, but not much else. I don't want anything likely to take more than a few of weeks to liquidate (it's for an emergency), but it should be non-liquid. We are already covered should there be a short term emergency, this is protection for protracted emergencies and preparation for opportunities that require more than we can safely spend out of savings.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted October 15, 2024 at 02:05AM by Amy-Too https://ift.tt/g2SnHjI

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