One of my pastimes is running to thrift shops to buy stuff. I particularly enjoy looking for cool electronics, but am not limited to just that.
I don't go crazy, but whenever it is practical I buy secondhand. Clothes, vacuum cleaners, tools, drinkware, kitchenware/utensils, toys, games... the list goes on.
I got to a point where I started finding ways to get good deals on stuff I needed, usually by donating an extremely cheap item and using the coupon for a considerably larger discount off something I needed (think $0.50 book for $20 off a power tool).
I got pretty hooked, finding myself in this store 2 or 3 times a week. It took a while to calm down and quit going, as I found myself going just for the thrill of the hunt. I never bought things that were completely useless, but if there was ever a chance to upgrade something we owned and I found a good deal, I was on it!
Yesterday I found myself needing to burn time while a kid was at dance. I initially went to replace two pairs of pants which had finally been taken out of commission. Ended up finding a pair of Bose Companion II speakers.
I'm a musician. If there's anything I love besides cool music gear, it's stuff like headphones and sound systems. This neat little desktop speaker set was missing a few cords which I found in a different part of the electronics area. I tested the speakers. I liked them! I made my way toward checkout...
and yet, I didn't buy them.
Why? I mean, hey. They were good speakers. But I had to really think -- what am I going to do with these? Replace the free Pioneer home theater system you got from Buy Nothing? Replace the other $4 Bose SoundDock Portable (yes, $4; garage sales FTW) on the shelf right next to it? Why do I need to spend $25 on these inferior speakers when I have TWO more audio sources READY TO GO, plus another two vintage Bose speakers in my closet? Dang I have a problem.
After much deliberation, I decided to save myself $25. As a favor to the next guy, I crammed the separate cords and adapter in with the speakers and went on about my day, having spared myself a pointless $25 purchase.
I feel like a winner.
April 18, 2023 at 04:49AM